Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well this is about as close to posting art as I get right now. here you will see a bunch of pages from my up and coming book Black Grease, Layed all out across my drawing desk, when the book is all done I'll probably post a five page preview on here , plus info for ordering, but for now enjoy this small little sneak peak, hope you dig.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

UPDATE!, no art though.

Yeah I know, no art, I just thought I would update on the progress of a few things.

Ive finally entered that home stretch for my book Black Grease, I got about 5 pages left, but I have yet think of the cover, and I guess it's getting to be about that time I should, the problem is, nothing has really come to mind, I have ideas, but nothing really concrete, nothing that makes me want to pull out a fresh piece and start going to work, so I guess best thing to do is sit on it, and hopefully I get that spark Im looking for.

since Im getting close to finishing out the first book of Black Grease Ive decided to hold off on my paintings, which is really hard, cause have a major itch to do some, but I have started getting some boards ready, primed a couple 8x10's with some Montana shock yellow, which will make a really badass background color, so hopefully in a couple weeks I can get to those, got some cool ideas worked out.

found this awesome speed painting video of Alex Pardee

seeing him work makes me want to paint so bad, but comics come first, hopefully next post I'll have some art to show, but till then I'm out.


Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hey all, it's been a long as time since I have given and sort of thought to this blog, but with the pending con season, I decided it's time to get this thing started up again. Mind you even though this blog has been dead for a few months, doesn't mean I haven't been busy, between the day job and me busting my ass on my new comic, I really haven't had much time to myself, but on the other hand, the book is shaping up nicely, been pretty happy with the pages and I really hope to get some pages up on here some time soon.

So here are the things I am working.

BLACK GREASE: This is said comic, the first issues is almost in the bag, and will be printed and all that jazz by August, meaning it's debut is the FANEXPO in Toronto at the end of August, Im really excited for this year, I personally think it will be a good one. For those who don't know what black grease is about, it's basically a Rock & Roll western, about two Gunslinger brothers that are doubled crossed by a crimeboss, and well the decide to kick the fuckers ass, it has alot cools things like zombies, Mutants, and Vampire hitmen, so yeah hopefully people dig it.

DRAWN OF THE DEAD: The FANEXPO also marks the debut of DRAWN OF THE DEAD STUDIOS, Ive teamed with my good friend Dave O'Neil to basically have a banner to put our creative ideas under, Dave and I share alot of common ground when it comes to design and stories so it was really only Natural to finally combine our efforts together. We have alot of great things planned so stay tuned for that.

NEW PAINTINGS: Ive finally started getting my ass back into painting which is a cool thing, Ive kind of missed it, right now Im working on a small series called TENGU AT LARGE, basically the subject matter of each painting, is well, the Tengu, Ive always been fasinated by the Folklore and art of the Tengu, so I figure why not paint my version of them, plus I also have a Tengu at large short story I would like to draw sometime soon, it's pretty rad, and of course I will try and share some on here, other then the Tengu series, I hope to just paint alot of cool random stuff, Lately Ive been looking at alot of Tim Biskup, Mahfood, Lou Romano, and this rad cat at my work Bryce Huffman's work, so it's really inspired me to paint again.

well thats all I got I guess, Im going to try and update more on a regular bases, so yeah thats it's
onward and upward.